
Natural Gas

Natural Gas Natural gas, as a .

Petroleum Products

Petroleum Products Petroleum products are various .

Electrical energy

Electrical energy Electricity as a commodity .

Wind generation

Wind generation Wind generation is the .




INCERGO is a company founded on August 20, 2012. Last year, the company celebrated its 10th anniversary of operating in the Croatian market. The period since the company's establishment has not been easy, but rather demanding and dynamic due to strategic and geopolitical shifts in energy markets, as well as the pandemic, which all contributed to business disruptions in the energy markets and changes in ownership shares among market leaders, leading to the downfall of small, medium, and large companies.


Natural Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas

Liquefied natural gas, more commonly known as LNG (short for "liquified natural gas"), is purified natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state.


Environmental Concerns

The energy sector is largely responsible for the state of the environment, both locally and on a regional and global scale. The most significant issues are related to emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, leading to pollution in urban areas, acidification, the presence of high concentrations of ground-level ozone, and the global issue of carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas.


World of New Possibilities

INCERGO is an energy company involved in the trade of natural gas, petroleum products and electrical energy in the European Union, Asia, and Africa.



An energy company in the trade of natural gas, oil derivatives and electricity in the European Union, Asia and Africa

  • Tel.: +385 1 5800 123
    Fax: +385 1 38 63 080


  • Hruševečka ulica 9
    Zagreb, Croatia

  • Pon-Pet: 8am - 6pm