
The primary function of INCERGO company is trading in natural gas, petroleum products and electrical energy. Our activities include the following:

  • Natural gas supply
  • Natural gas storage
  • Natural gas transportation
  • Gas distribution
  • Gas market mediation
  • Gas market representation
  • Energy market trading, mediation, and representation
  • Energy supply for privileged customers
  • Energy supply for tariff customers
  • Electricity generation
  • Electricity transmission
  • Electricity distribution
  • Electricity supply
  • Organizing the electricity market
  • Electricity trading
  • Electricity generation for privileged customers
  • Electricity generation for tariff customers
  • Petroleum products trading

An energy company in the trade of natural gas, oil derivatives and electricity in the European Union, Asia and Africa

  • Tel.: +385 1 5800 123
    Fax: +385 1 38 63 080


  • Hruševečka ulica 9
    Zagreb, Croatia

  • Pon-Pet: 8am - 6pm